How to create image slider with Jetpack Compose

2 min readMay 17, 2023


Bismillah. Hello everyone, in this short article i will write about how to create image slider with jetpack compose. First I would like to thank those who made the design above.

First of all we need a library, to make an image scrollable and have indicators below it :

implementation ""
implementation ""

Next, we create an image data, here I only try 3 images :

val pagerState = rememberPagerState(initialPage = 0)
val imageSlider = listOf(
painterResource(id = R.drawable.img_banner1),
painterResource(id = R.drawable.img_banner2),
painterResource(id = R.drawable.img_banner3)

Next, since we need the effect to run asynchronously, we use LaunchEffect() to set up the scrolling :

LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
while (true) {
page = (pagerState.currentPage + 1) % (pagerState.pageCount)

Lastly, we make a design :

 Column {
count = imageSlider.size,
state = pagerState,
contentPadding = PaddingValues(horizontal = DIMENS_16dp),
modifier = modifier
) { page ->
shape = RoundedCornerShape(DIMENS_12dp),
modifier = Modifier
.graphicsLayer {
val pageOffset = calculateCurrentOffsetForPage(page).absoluteValue

start = 0.85f,
stop = 1f,
fraction = 1f - pageOffset.coerceIn(0f, 1f)
).also { scale ->
scaleX = scale
scaleY = scale

alpha = lerp(
start = 0.5f,
stop = 1f,
fraction = 1f - pageOffset.coerceIn(0f, 1f)
) {
painter = imageSlider[page],
contentDescription = stringResource(R.string.image_slider),
contentScale = ContentScale.Crop,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()

pagerState = pagerState,
modifier = Modifier

Finally, we use very little code using jetpack compose, right? Yapss… Jetpack Compose is very effective for creating modern applications today.

Okay, maybe that’s all in this short article, I hope it can help those who read it. If anyone needs the complete code, check the link below :




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